Display Test For Mac

Welcome to the Lagom LCD monitor test pages. With the test imageson these pages, you can easily adjust the settings of your monitor toget the best possible picture quality. Additionally, there are anumber of test images that can help you to judge the image quality ofa monitor. You can check the images on this webpage or put them on ausb stick and try them in the computer store like I did when I createdthese test patterns. These test images are much more revealingregarding monitor shortcomings than ordinary photographs.

  1. Display Test For Laptop
  2. Display Test Mac Os
  3. Mac Display Issues
  4. Display For Mac Pro
  5. Display Test Macbook

The announcement of the new Apple Pro Display XDR was greeted with stunned enthusiasm during the WWDC 2019 keynote in June. But the stunning wasn't done. A few moments later the crowd learned the. The same goes for flat-panel or high-definition television sets. The only question is whether to connect your Mac to your flat-screen display or HDTV using a digital or analog interface (that is, the port available where you connect the cable from your Mac to your display). In either case, make sure that you have the right adapter cables.

I'm offering these pages for free. In return, I just ask you torespect my copyright. Do not place these images on other websites orweb forums, and don't link directly to the images.

How to use these pages

Monitor calibration

With the first few test images, you can calibrate your monitor by adjustingthe brightness, contrast, clock/phase, sharpness, and gamma settings of themonitor. I recommend to go through them in the order they are presented. Ifyou use this page in a shop, don't assume that the contrast and othersettings are at reasonable values before making a judgement. The images arebest viewed in a dim or dark environment and in full-screen mode. In mostbrowsers, F11 switches to full-screen mode. If switching off the lights isnot possible, try using a piece of cardboard to shield environmental light.

If you have any kind of color management system active in your operating system or video-card driver, then disable that first. First make adjustmentsto the monitor settings to let it behave as close to the ideal as possible,and only after that you can use the color management to compensate for anysmall deviations that remain.

Actually, calibration is not really the correct term. Calibratinga monitor would mean that you measure the response of the monitor and thencompensate for non-ideal behavior elsewhere, for example in the video-carddriver. Here, you are supposed to change the properties of the monitoritself to let it approach the ideal better. But then, who cares whether youcall it monitor adjustment or monitor calibration...

Alternative views

Display Test For Laptop

Single-page version
If you already know how to use these images.
For viewing the images off-line (120 kB ZIP).
Without sRGB profiles
All images, but with the color profiles stripped, in case you want to see the effect of your OS color management.
Display Test For Mac

Display Test Mac Os

Assessing monitor quality

More towards the end of this page series are the inversion test,the response-time test, and the various viewing-angle tests. Thesetests can reveal monitor properties that cannot be changed.

Mac Display Issues

© Copyright Han-Kwang Nienhuys, 2008. The text and accompanying images may not be redistributed. This includes placing the images on other websites, either as a copy or through hotlinking. Read more...

After isolating an issue on your Mac to a possible hardware issue, you can use Apple Diagnostics to help determine which hardware component might be causing the issue. Apple Diagnostics also suggests solutions and helps you contact Apple Support for assistance.

If your Mac was introduced before June 2013, it uses Apple Hardware Test instead.

How to use Apple Diagnostics

  1. Disconnect all external devices except keyboard, mouse, display, Ethernet connection (if applicable), and connection to AC power.
  2. Make sure that your Mac is on a hard, flat, stable surface with good ventilation.
  3. Shut down your Mac.
  4. Turn on your Mac, then immediately press and hold the D key on your keyboard. Keep holding until you see a screen asking you to choose your language. When Apple Diagnostics knows your language, it displays a progress bar indicating that it's checking your Mac:
  5. Checking your Mac takes 2 or 3 minutes. If any issues are found, Apple Diagnostics suggests solutions and provides reference codes. Note the reference codes before continuing.
  6. Choose from these options:
    • To repeat the test, click ”Run the test again” or press Command (⌘)-R.
    • For more information, including details about your service and support options, click ”Get started” or press Command-G.
    • To restart your Mac, click Restart or press R.
    • To shut down, click Shut Down or press S.

If you choose to get more information, your Mac starts up from macOS Recovery and displays a web page asking you to choose your country or region. Click ”Agree to send” to send your serial number and reference codes to Apple. Then follow the onscreen service and support instructions. When you're done, you can choose Restart or Shut Down from the Apple menu.

This step requires an Internet connection. If you're not connected to the Internet, you'll see a page describing how to get connected.

Display For Mac Pro

Learn more

Display Test Macbook

If holding down the D key at startup doesn't start Apple Diagnostics:

  • If you're using a firmware password, turn it off. You can turn it on again after using Apple Diagnostics.
  • Hold down Option-D at startup to attempt to start Apple Diagnostics over the Internet.